
Hello Influencers!

Solution Heroes LLC realizes that social media has the power to change the world and you can help us create a simpler world! If you would like to spread our mission and ideas do not hesitate to contact us through our email or Instagram!

Our main mission here at Solution Heroes LLC is to get people to realize that life does not have to be as complicated as we make it seem. There will always be a simpler solution! Tell us your story and your ideas and we will do our best to work alongside you!

We would love to create lasting partnerships and give you the full run-down on our business, so you can feel connected to our brand and part of our movement.

If chosen we will send you a free Collapsible Stool for you to try, test out, and give your honest review. We also expect you to tell the world about your experience with Solution Heroes LLC products through a post on your personal Instagram page. We are excited to work with you all! Looking forward to hearing all of your stories!